Lingual Influence (International) On daily

Taufik, your question that, hehe, so don't arise that you Academia Plato's person (Remember, person that gets academy be their one think swift with mind to prove manifestly), therefore temporary requisite to get answer, to temporary is read; evenless at epoch as at present, therefore you are charged to read (remember editor fomentation that goes down first time, read): evenless your question, international language influence on daily? Ah is classic, Fik. religions knowledgeable man, our advance, javanese men before, was really understands it, really understand; most more special at epoch guardian, but they don't accentuate tool, and one was accentuated to fill, Fik. Then only, succeeding generation, beginning is engaged in language. But that yes not problem, really has so its instance.

But, since you are overshoot ask to me, therefore answers me:

Remember that international language everyday being buzzed, everyday you perform, namely arabic, Fik. Its aim, so you become international man, so you on hands international scale. That is necessarily carries the ball person that knows international language, at least conveyors religion, moslem, emphasized for it, Fik.

At least men everyday, do that, therefore useful person behalf self to know what does be done, therefore distatuskan is gnostic lingual it is of important, besides, epoch movement — remembers that analytical philosophy; Bertand Russel, Witgeistten, and students that lingual philosophy-- as language movement. Language as as main. Language as is accentuated. Language becomes study; become men, beginning drying to aught reality. become dry beginning men with practical and ordinary life.

as it also at Indonesia, so also at your village, so also that you experience, Fik. Respondent to get language; its aim, so you know, so you see. That is sooth, Fik; that that knowledge for the that knowledge owner.

And for it, person has proceeds to lingual gnostic income; essential marks sense to make the point. Nah, tricks that at that Indonesia — my apology announces it, actually, at that your village, on you my — pounce: its mind or its man resource that, was ready to enters international language, but that man thrust that international language to surface.

Become stressed men with gnostic lingual.

Become busy men on lingual band.

Become that man, as busy on language.

That default that aim for concept what do want to be attributed.

Internationals language main influence that, person says that don't know what say so; person says that don't know severely been uttered, person utter something that habitually been uttered. As well as: bismilah, hamdalah, regards, and other as it: person oft not understand that simple language, since while comes in on language teaching: system is that knowledge busies self on system's series: yes, there is system in system, and it is overlap. Most even more, at exposed epoch extensive gnostic, Internet era, era about book, information era, media era.

Therefore progressively becomes language overlap.

Brief says, to the effect international language science main is subject to be comport within reason international; on hands international class. If don't be, therefore, most verily she knows but not know; she sees but not understand. Knowledgeable international, therefore she has to carry the ball international, so Fik. Reason language is intemationalized, obviously because that language a lot of is utilized, Fik. To the effect purpose; to think ala international. Hereafter, that thinking have international class accountability, so yes …

Do you see with what do I pass on? Ah at least you know that. what over elaborate what does I pass on? Therefore I conclude be:

International language influence on daily? That decision and attitude that fairish international.

International language influence on daily? Therefore photograph which is measured is class that intemationalized by it.

International language influence on daily? Person that menggukan will ‘ language ’ it becomes ujaran's language, daily language.

And farm gently to understand, if actually you see, fortunately. Remember, this about language, Fik. About tool. Such a degree.


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